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The Trial of the Chicago 7

This film has been just released on Netflix and, despite of its young age, it already has a name. It is based on real events.

Iis is directed by the great director Aaron Sorkin, who comes from movies like "Money Ball" or "Steve Jobs". Has the las mentioned this one is also based on a true story.

It tells the story of different leaders of the radical left side of politics, and how they influenced the people to manifest against the Vietnam war at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

I have seen just a few times a so good driven story. Despite it might be a boring case, which lead to a boring plot, Aaron Sorkin can carry on the viewer through emotions, enjoyable characters and occurrences. How it has been taught to be entertaining is what blows my mind. It drew my attention during the whole 130 minutes that the movie lasts. There is not any boring conversation, everything fits perfectly with the tone, mixing drama and comedy.

With such an historically important context, they had a big load on their backs, to be relatable. They did a great job explaining to the spectator the context and the resolution. A few ideas about politics are given and, of course, big mind-blowing reflexions.

A perfect movie.

- Raúl Villegas

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