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Blogging... so far

I could say I'm "kind of" used to sharing my thoughts on the Internet because I have a YouTube channel where I just say whatever I want. That's why blogging wasn't very challenging for me, even though it's different than sitting at home and talking to myself in front of a camera. However, these two activities are similar and at the end of the day both are about sharing your thoughts, your opinions.

I had never written a blog before "Film Insider" and I must say it was very interesting to talk about what I'm really passionate about: movies. This gave the chance to analyze more the film industry, discover new things, such as social media or apps for film fans... etc.

This was a really good experience and I would recommend it to everyone who loves sharing their thoughts, getting to know more things. It doesn't take much time, so everyone who has access to the Internet can easily have their own blog. Personally... so far, so good. And that's what counts!

If you want to

-Leyre Sanz

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